Espace Naturel Sensible : le sentier des Azurés

In Normandy, stroll along a trail that reveals the beauty of the Seine Valley landscapes.
Dotted with information panels, the walk invites you to become familiar with the fauna and flora found in the calcareous grassland and learn more about the measures undertaken to preserve this biodiversity. Keep your eyes wide open to try to spot grassland butterflies or wild orchids (such as the bee orchid which mimics the shape of the animal), and listen carefully to hear the birds singing… The site, listed a "Sensitive Natural Area", is also part of the network of Natura 2000 protected sites
Fun fact: to prevent the grasslands where orchids grow wild from being invaded by brambles and young trees, sheep and goats are the best allies. You might be lucky to see them…
Dotted with information panels, the walk invites you to become familiar with the fauna and flora found in the calcareous grassland and learn more about the measures undertaken to preserve this biodiversity. Keep your eyes wide open to try to spot grassland butterflies or wild orchids (such as the bee orchid which mimics the shape of the animal), and listen carefully to hear the birds singing… The site, listed a "Sensitive Natural Area", is also part of the network of Natura 2000 protected sites
Fun fact: to prevent the grasslands where orchids grow wild from being invaded by brambles and young trees, sheep and goats are the best allies. You might be lucky to see them…
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