Poses / Acquigny Saint-Jacques à Vélo
Parcours vélo de 20,30 km de Poses à Acquigny
Dénivelé de l'étape
Aménagements de l'étape
Revêtement de l'étape
This stage starts in the village of Poses, a former boatman's town. The route takes you, via a greenway, around the leisure base of Poses. This is an opportunity to try outdoor activities or take a break at the Biotropica zoological park.
The greenway runs along the preserved banks of the Eure where canoes and kayaks pass. You can discover a range of architecture, from the new town of Val-de-Reuil to the picturesque village of Vaudreuil. After the hot spring of Incarville, the greenway continues towards the former draper town of Louviers, with its lively city center. Don't miss the opportunity to admire the statue of Saint-Jacques le Mineur at the Notre-Dame church.
On leaving Pinterville, the route continues on small roads with low traffic to reach the village of Acquigny. Leaving the village, Lake Onglais welcomes you for a welcome break.
L'avis des voyageurs