36,42 Km
J'ai l'habitude

Parcours vélo de 36,42 km de Pacy-sur-Eure à Saint-Georges-Motel

Dénivelé de l'étape

0 m 34 m

Aménagements de l'étape

Sur route: 15,40 km Voie cyclable: 21,01 km

Revêtement de l'étape

Lisse: 21,92 km Inconnu: 14,50 km

From Pacy-sur-Eure to Breuilpont, you follow the Eure on small roads. Along this route, you will find old sand quarrying sites popular with fishermen.
You will then take a greenway arranged on the old railway line, which you will follow for about twenty kilometers. The cycle route passes at the foot of the ruins of the Ivry-la-Bataille fortress. On the other side of the Eure, the Anet castle awaits you, the residence of Diane de Poitiers.
For the discovery of the Jacobean heritage, make a detour to the Saint-Jacques de Compostelle church in the commune of La Boissière, near Breuilpont, or visit the Breuil-Benoit abbey church in Marcilly-sur-Eure.

Hébergements sur l'étape

L'avis des voyageurs

sur Pacy-sur-Eure / Saint-Georges-Motel
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