21,44 Km
Ça grimpe

Parcours vélo de 21,44 km de Charleval à Poses

Dénivelé de l'étape

76 m 43 m

Aménagements de l'étape

Sur route: 17,17 km Voie cyclable: 4,27 km

Revêtement de l'étape

Lisse: 15,43 km Inconnu: 5,56 km Rugueux: 0,45 km

Following the Andelle from Charleval, the route reveals the riches of the valley. Take a break at Fontaine-Guérard Abbey! It has preserved its fascinating Gothic architecture nestled in a natural environment. Opposite, you will admire the vestiges of the former Levavasseur mill with its particularly unique neo-Gothic architecture: a true industrial cathedral! A little further on, you can already see the majestic shape of the Côte des Deux Amants, whose legend evokes the unfortunate fate of Mathilde and Raoul. This stage ends with the crossing of the Seine and the discovery of the boating city of Poses, where it is pleasant to stroll by the water. Nearby, the Poses leisure center is the ideal site for outdoor activity enthusiasts or a family stop at the Biotropica zoological park.

Hébergements sur l'étape

L'avis des voyageurs

sur Charleval / Poses
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