25,47 Km
1 h 42 min
J'ai l'habitude
Les Andelys

Parcours vélo de 25,47 km de Vernon à Les Andelys

Dénivelé de l'étape

41 m 43 m

Aménagements de l'étape

Sur route: 17,59 km Voie cyclable: 7,88 km

Revêtement de l'étape

Lisse: 23,50 km Inconnu: 1,57 km Rugueux: 0,40 km

On small roads following the Seine and its hillsides, pedal through blooming Norman villages. Arriving in Courcelles-sur-Seine, you can branch off to explore the town of Gaillon and its majestic château. Take a break around the Bouafles pond, a sensitive natural area where you can observe remarkable wildlife and flora. Finally, arriving in Les Andelys via the greenway will naturally lead you to the medieval Château Gaillard, overlooking the valley.

Find out more about this step -> https://www.laseineavelo.com/cycle-route/vernon-les-andelys

Hébergements sur l'étape

L'avis des voyageurs

sur Vernon / Les Andelys
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