24,01 Km
Je débute/en famille
Le Neubourg

Parcours vélo de 24,01 km de Evreux à Le Neubourg

Dénivelé de l'étape

m m

Aménagements de l'étape

Sur route: 1,50 km Voie cyclable: 22,51 km

Revêtement de l'étape

Lisse: 24,01 km

In Evreux, you'll discover a city steeped in history; the cathedral and museum of this episcopal city form an exceptional ensemble, rare in France. On the route of the old railway line that connected Evreux to Honfleur, the greenway crosses the forest of Evreux. It skirts the golf course before reaching the plains of the Neubourg plateau where crops, including flax, stretch out. Its blue flowers create colorful and unique landscapes to discover in June. Along the way, stop at Quittebeuf for a well-deserved break by its large pond. In the village center, enjoy the shops for a snack. This stage ends in Le Neubourg, a quaint little town. It will surprise you with its quirky museum on anatomy and its many quality independent shops.

Hébergements sur l'étape

L'avis des voyageurs

sur Evreux / Le Neubourg
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